templates/employee_log_hour/absence.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% extends 'base.html.twig' %}
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  11.         <div class="d-flex flex-wrap align-items-center my-1">
  12.             <h3 class="fw-bold me-5 my-1">Employé(e)s ({{ count }})</h3>
  13.             <!--begin::Search-->
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  80.         <!--end::Controls-->
  81.     </div>
  82.     <!--end::Toolbar-->
  83.     <!--begin::Tab Content-->
  84.     <div class="tab-content">
  85.         <!--begin::Tab pane-->
  86.         <div id="kt_project_users_card_pane" class="tab-pane fade show active">
  87.             <!--begin::Row-->
  88.             <div class="row g-6 g-xl-9">
  89.                 {% for absenceDepartment in absenceListByDepartment %}
  90.                     <h1>{{ absenceDepartment.department.name }} ( {{ absenceDepartment.absenceList | length }} )</h1>
  91.                     {% for employee in absenceDepartment.absenceList %}
  92.                         <!--begin::Col-->
  93.                         <div class="col-md-6 col-xxl-4">
  94.                             <!--begin::Card-->
  95.                             <div class="card">
  96.                                 <div class="card-header ribbon ribbon-end">
  97.                                     <div class="ribbon-label bg-primary fw-bolder">{% if employee.employeeHourLogs.last.date is defined %} Depuis: {{ employee.employeeHourLogs.last.date | format_datetime('full', 'none', locale='fr') }}{% endif %}</div>
  98.                                     <div class="card-title"><a href="{{ path('employee_show', {'id': employee.id}) }}"
  99.                                                                class="fs-4 text-gray-800 text-hover-primary fw-bold mb-0">{{ employee.fullName }}</a>
  100.                                     </div>
  101.                                 </div>
  102.                                 <!--begin::Card body-->
  103.                                 <div class="card-body d-flex flex-center flex-column pt-12 p-9">
  104.                                     <!--begin::Avatar-->
  105.                                     <div class="symbol symbol-175px symbol-circle mb-5">
  106.                                         <img src="{{ employee | avatar }}" data-image-zoom="{{ employee | avatar }}"
  107.                                              alt="image" class="zoom-image"/>
  108.                                         <div class="bg-{% if employee.activeEmployee %}success{% else %}danger{% endif %} position-absolute border border-4 border-body h-15px w-15px rounded-circle translate-middle start-100 top-100 ms-n3 mt-n3"></div>
  109.                                     </div>
  110.                                     <!--end::Avatar-->
  111.                                     <!--begin::Name-->
  112.                                     <!--end::Name-->
  113.                                     <!--begin::Position-->
  114.                                     <div class="fw-semibold text-gray-400 mb-6">{{ employee.lastHistory.department.name }}
  115.                                         - {{ employee.lastHistory.position.name }}</div>
  116.                                     <div class="fw-semibold text-gray-400 mb-6">{{ employee.phoneNumber }}</div>
  117.                                     <!--end::Position-->
  118.                                 </div>
  119.                                 <!--end::Card body-->
  120.                             </div>
  121.                             <!--end::Card-->
  122.                         </div>
  123.                         <!--end::Col-->
  124.                     {% endfor %}
  125.                 {% endfor %}
  126.             </div>
  127.             <!--end::Row-->
  128.             {#            <!--begin::Pagination--> #}
  129.             {#            <div class="d-flex flex-stack flex-wrap pt-10"> #}
  130.             {#                <div class="fs-6 fw-semibold text-gray-700">Showing 1 to 10 of 50 entries</div> #}
  131.             {#                <!--begin::Pages--> #}
  132.             {#                <ul class="pagination"> #}
  133.             {#                    <li class="page-item previous"> #}
  134.             {#                        <a href="#" class="page-link"> #}
  135.             {#                            <i class="previous"></i> #}
  136.             {#                        </a> #}
  137.             {#                    </li> #}
  138.             {#                    <li class="page-item active"> #}
  139.             {#                        <a href="#" class="page-link">1</a> #}
  140.             {#                    </li> #}
  141.             {#                    <li class="page-item"> #}
  142.             {#                        <a href="#" class="page-link">2</a> #}
  143.             {#                    </li> #}
  144.             {#                    <li class="page-item"> #}
  145.             {#                        <a href="#" class="page-link">3</a> #}
  146.             {#                    </li> #}
  147.             {#                    <li class="page-item"> #}
  148.             {#                        <a href="#" class="page-link">4</a> #}
  149.             {#                    </li> #}
  150.             {#                    <li class="page-item"> #}
  151.             {#                        <a href="#" class="page-link">5</a> #}
  152.             {#                    </li> #}
  153.             {#                    <li class="page-item"> #}
  154.             {#                        <a href="#" class="page-link">6</a> #}
  155.             {#                    </li> #}
  156.             {#                    <li class="page-item next"> #}
  157.             {#                        <a href="#" class="page-link"> #}
  158.             {#                            <i class="next"></i> #}
  159.             {#                        </a> #}
  160.             {#                    </li> #}
  161.             {#                </ul> #}
  162.             {#                <!--end::Pages--> #}
  163.             {#            </div> #}
  164.             {#            <!--end::Pagination--> #}
  165.         </div>
  166.         <!--end::Tab pane-->
  167.         <!--begin::Tab pane-->
  168.         <div id="kt_project_users_table_pane" class="tab-pane fade">
  169.             <!--begin::Card-->
  170.             <div class="card card-flush">
  171.                 <!--begin::Card body-->
  172.                 <div class="card-body pt-0">
  173.                     <!--begin::Table container-->
  174.                     <div class="table-responsive">
  175.                         <!--begin::Table-->
  176.                         <table id="kt_project_users_table"
  177.                                class="table table-row-bordered table-row-dashed gy-4 align-middle fw-bold">
  178.                             <!--begin::Head-->
  179.                             <thead class="fs-7 text-gray-400 text-uppercase">
  180.                             <tr>
  181.                                 <th class="min-w-250px">Manager</th>
  182.                                 <th class="min-w-150px">Date</th>
  183.                                 <th class="min-w-90px">Amount</th>
  184.                                 <th class="min-w-90px">Status</th>
  185.                                 <th class="min-w-50px text-end">Details</th>
  186.                             </tr>
  187.                             </thead>
  188.                             <!--end::Head-->
  189.                             <!--begin::Body-->
  190.                             <tbody class="fs-6">
  191.                             {% for absenceDepartment in absenceListByDepartment %}
  192.                                 {% for employee in absenceDepartment.absenceList %}
  193.                                     <tr>
  194.                                         <td>
  195.                                             <!--begin::User-->
  196.                                             <div class="d-flex align-items-center">
  197.                                                 <!--begin::Wrapper-->
  198.                                                 <div class="me-5 position-relative">
  199.                                                     <!--begin::Avatar-->
  200.                                                     <div class="symbol symbol-35px symbol-circle">
  201.                                                         <img alt="Pic" src="{{ employee | avatar }}"/>
  202.                                                     </div>
  203.                                                     <!--end::Avatar-->
  204.                                                 </div>
  205.                                                 <!--end::Wrapper-->
  206.                                                 <!--begin::Info-->
  207.                                                 <div class="d-flex flex-column justify-content-center">
  208.                                                     <a href="" class="mb-1 text-gray-800 text-hover-primary">Emma
  209.                                                         Smith</a>
  210.                                                     <div class="fw-semibold fs-6 text-gray-400">smith@kpmg.com</div>
  211.                                                 </div>
  212.                                                 <!--end::Info-->
  213.                                             </div>
  214.                                             <!--end::User-->
  215.                                         </td>
  216.                                         <td>Apr 15, 2022</td>
  217.                                         <td>$672.00</td>
  218.                                         <td>
  219.                                             <span class="badge badge-light-info fw-bold px-4 py-3">In progress</span>
  220.                                         </td>
  221.                                         <td class="text-end">
  222.                                             <a href="#" class="btn btn-light btn-sm">View</a>
  223.                                         </td>
  224.                                     </tr>
  225.                                 {% endfor %}
  226.                             {% endfor %}
  227.                             </tbody>
  228.                             <!--end::Body-->
  229.                         </table>
  230.                         <!--end::Table-->
  231.                     </div>
  232.                     <!--end::Table container-->
  233.                 </div>
  234.                 <!--end::Card body-->
  235.             </div>
  236.             <!--end::Card-->
  237.         </div>
  238.         <!--end::Tab pane-->
  239.     </div>
  240.     <!--end::Tab Content-->
  241. {% endblock %}
  242. {% block javascripts %}
  243. {% endblock %}